Robert Carr Research Award and Memorial Lecture-archive
Established in 2014, The Robert Carr Research Award recognizes a research project conducted by a community-academic partnership that has led to evidence-based programs and/or influenced policies in the field of HIV to guide a human rights-based response.
The Robert Carr Research Award and its accompanying Memorial Lecture (first held in 2012), celebrate Dr. Robert Carr’s enduring vision of community organizations, academic researchers and advocates collaborating to advance human rights-based policies and practices aimed at ending AIDS. Robert was passionate about the need for cross-disciplinary research to inform policy and advocacy efforts aimed at ending AIDS, especially in countries where communities disproportionately affected by HIV face discrimination, social rejection, violence and imprisonment, often by government officials and agencies. We continue to honor his legacy and commitment to translating findings from research collaborations between community and academic partners into tangible policy development and advocacy efforts, which is the driving force behind the biannual award.
2016 Robert Carr Award and Memorial Lecture
The third Robert Carr Memorial Lecture took place in Durban, South Africa during AIDS 2016. The award went to Positive Spaces Healthy Places, a five-year longitudinal study documented the impact of housing on both the physical and mental health-related quality of life for people living with HIV. Read the press release.
2014 Robert Carr Award and Memorial Lecture
The Second Robert Carr Memorial Lecture took place in Melbourne, Australia during AIDS 2014. It was organized by ICASO, Human Rights Watch (HRW), the International AIDS Society (IAS) and the Center for Public Health and Human Rights (CPHHR) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. It was delivered by K.Thi Win from Myanmar as summarized the results of a study that highlighted the links between sex work and violence: Sex Work and Violence: Understanding Factors for Safety and Protection
2012 Robert Carr Memorial Lecture
The inaugural Robert Carr Lecture was organized by the Center for Public Health and Human Rights (CPHHR) at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Human Rights Watch, the International AIDS Society, the Global Forum on MSM and HIV, and the Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition to celebrate and honor Robert’s legacy.
The lecture entitled: “Getting to Zero Bullshit. Calling HIV-related Stigma what it is: Racism, Classism, Misogyny and Elitism” was held on July 25th, 2012 at the International AIDS Conference in Washington D.C. Advocates from around the world discussed how vulnerability and stigma impact the AIDS response.
AIDS 2010 – Vienna Austria
Dr Robert Carr: a tireless
leader in the AIDS response.