El Monitoreo Global del SIDA (GAM) para el período 2018 ya comenzó. Los países deben enviar sus informes a ONUSIDA antes del 31 de marzo 2019. La participación significativa del
The Global AIDS Monitoring (GAM) process for the 2018 period is already underway. Countries need to send their progress reports to UNAIDS by March 31, 2019. Meaningful involvement of the
El Programa Nacional de VIH/Sida adscrito al Viceministerio de Redes de Salud Colectiva del Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Salud, expone al alcance del equipo de salud, la presente
1 MARCH 2019 On this Zero Discrimination Day, ICASO acknowledges the global efforts to combat HIV related stigma and discrimination which has received an enormous boost recently with the announcement