After the Concept Note: Opportunities for Civil Society Communities to Engage in the Global Fund Grant-making Process
The new funding model (NFM) announced by the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) in 2014 introduced a number of changes to improve the way that grants are developed and approved. One of the core principles is that civil society and in particular, vulnerable and key populations, need to be meaningfully involved throughout the process. 1 In most cases the result of this new, inclusive engagement process has been that countries develop a consensus on the comprehensive set of interventions needed to address the three epidemics.
Following the submission of a concept note to the Global Fund, communities and civil society continue to play a critical role. This alert, prepared by ICASO, highlights the opportunities community and civil society have to ensure that the good ideas included in concept notes make it into programming. The alert documents the steps involved in getting from concept note development to grant implementation, and recommends entry points, resources, and other technical support available to community and civil society. This alert will be of interest to community and civil society representatives on Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM), as well as disease-specific NGOs, vulnerable and key population networks, gender and human right activists, and any other group that participated in the concept note development process.