The term “combination prevention” was coined by the HIV response, which for the first-time compiles in a ‘box’ the preventive tools that are presented in three groups: behavioral, biomedical, and reduction
El término “prevención combinada” fue acuñado por la respuesta al VIH, que por primera vez recopila en una caja de herramientas preventivas que se presentan ordenadas en tres grupos: comportamentales,
“Triple threat: Resurging epidemics, a broken health system, and global indifference to Venezuela’s crisis” Venezuela is in the middle of an unprecedented, statemade, complex humanitarian emergency with severe and
The International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO) developed this brief to provide the HIV community with current information and analysis of new and updated clinical data on the effectiveness
29 June 2017 — Geneva, Switzerland — ICASO’s Executive Director, Mary Ann Torres, representing the organization at the 40th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board, made an intervention during